lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

John Keats Treasure Hunt (Section 4): IB and me


Five abilities I need to develop

  1. Analysis of a work in terms of content and technique; engage with the details of the works
  2. Acquire deeper knowledge and understanding of the works studied
  3. How language, theme, setting, and character can have particular effects
  4. Be familiarized with a variety of interpretation and critical perspectives
  5. Demonstrate appropriate analytical responses

How will I be assessed by the IB for Part 2?

  • Individual Oral Commentary and discussion
  • Formal oral commentary of poetry studied in Part 2
  • Subsequent questions (10 minutes)
  • Followed by a discussion based on one of the other Part 2 works (10 minutes)

  • Knowledge and understanding of the poem
  • Appreciation of writer's choices
  • Organization and presentation of the commentary
  • Knowledge and understanding of the work used in the presentation
  • Response to the discussion questions
  • Language

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